Friday, July 10, 2009

Gasp. You Don't Have A Credit Card?

I celebrated my cousin's birthday in a restaurant the other night. There were ten of us, all women, discussing credit cards and debt. Eventually I mentioned that I don't have a credit card. Haven't had one in years. Everyone at the table went silent. The two women across from me actually dropped their jaws.

Well that was weird. I'm shocked that they were shocked. When it comes to personal debt, I think the world has gone mad. I've seen people take out cards and spread them like a deck of playing cards. Who can track that many? And you need to track them closely. Too many banks that issue cards are sneaky.

This is not to be confused with debit cards. I have a debit card that I use daily. And I am not talking when you use a debit card as "credit". It is still the same as writing a check, regardless of whether you punch the debit or credit button when using a debit card.

I had a credit card a few years ago, but it got cancelled from lack of use. I didn't know they could do that. I guess I liked having a credit card since everyone did, even if it didn't get used.

Then last year I started to apply for a new card, since I read you had to have one in order to rent a car or reserve a hotel. And also to help your credit score. But then I read the fine print on the application and gave up. Not only was it too confusing, they were clearly out to "get me" if I slipped up in any way.

And guess what? I have never had a need for a credit card. For several years now I rented cars and stayed at hotels with no problems, using only my debit card. My FICO score is good. I check my bank statements online frequently to make sure no one is using the card fraudulently.

After reading all the pros and cons of debit cards versus credit cards, I still don't see the need to sign up with the big bad wolf of a credit card company.

Maybe I am missing something here. Clue me in if you know of a good reason for a credit card, one that is worth tolerating the frustrations of the credit card company schemes. If you are thinking "well, it's necessary as a backup for cash shortfalls", you need to check back soon as I will be writing about the benefits of delaying gratification.

Full-disclosure note: Yes, I have screwed up in the past and gotten in over my head with credit card debt. Not a huge amount, mind you. But enough to still remember the pain of Eeyore's black cloud following me until I was agonizingly and slowly able to pay it off.


Lalalalinda said...

Interesting topic. But I think you need a card for traveling outside the US and also for if you need to get your car towed in an emergency.

Colleen said...

Thanks for your comments. You could be right about traveling abroad. I have not experienced this. Does anyone else know if a credit card is necessary outside the US?

As far as towing services, I would think they would take a debit card. I would not want to be stranded only to find out that I have to have a credit card to get my car towed! I will call a towing company and report back...

Colleen said...

I checked with various tow companies and found out you can use a debit card with the towing companies I contacted.

Here is a red flag I discovered: if a towing company will NOT take a credit card for payment, the company is probably not legitimate. Good to know! Thanks.

anish said...

I've been living in the US for 4 years and people are scandalized I don't have a credit card. Never felt comfortable with one. I have been using a US debit card in India. It works everywhere - restaurants, bookshops, hotels.
Could you post on how to have a good credit score?

Colleen said...

Thanks for sharing your experience, Anish. I can't think of anyone I know personally that does not have a credit card. Now I wonder if people in other countries are not as dependent on credit cards.

By the way, my best investment stock is with Tata Motors in India...

As far as increasing your credit score, I will write a new post on this subject tomorrow since it is a very interesting and confusing topic.

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